Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Fair

Last night I went to the county fair with a couple of friends.  I love fairs and I enjoyed myself a lot.  The past couple years I haven't been able to find people to go on all the rides with me.  And a couple of times I've had people puke on the ride with me.  But this year Sarah and Annie went on all the rides with me, and no one threw up.  Good deal.

I just think there's something magical about the fair.  And maybe it's just that it brings back childhood memories or something, but I really love everything about it.  The food.  The rides.  The lights.  The carnies.  While I was there I kept trying to write a poem about the magic of the fair, but nothing came right away and it's usually best not to force anything.

Oh, and I went through a petting zoo for the first time.  Yeah, I'm twenty one and it was my first time going through a petting zoo.  I was proud of myself though, I fed some of the animals and everything.  But a baby goat bit my thumb so I stopped that for a while.  There were some cute baby pigs with swishy tails.  I kept calling them Wilburs.

My favorite part of the fair is definitely the rides.  I love the adrenalin rush that comes with them.  Going on the ferris wheel at night is cool too, because you can look out over the whole fair grounds and see all the rides lit up and whizzing around.  When I go on the Kamakazi I always look towards the rest of the fair just as the ride flips upside down, and I get to watch the entire earth flip.  I just think it looks so cool.

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