Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Baseball, Make Way for Ducklings, and Mono

Wow, okay so talk about a writer's slump... three months since my last blog.  That's kinda bad.  On my old blog it used to bother me that there was one month missing on the side bar thing.  Now on this one there's going to be three... terrific.
So if you know anything about me at all, you know I am a Red Sox fan.  And so my birthday my mom gave me the ultimate twenty-first birthday present.  She took me on a mother/daughter trip over to Boston to see a baseball game at Fenway Park.  I could have died of happiness.  Well maybe if they had won I could have died.  And it wouldn't have hurt if the game was just a little more exciting.  I mean, they played the White Sox and all the runs were scored in the first three innings or something like that and it was seven to three.  Most borning baseball game of my life.  But it was at Fenway park.  Freaking Fenway Park!  It felt like a baseball game should be- out in the fresh air and the fans were really close up to the feild.  And the fans were amazing.  It was so much fun.
Before game day, we walked the Freedom trail, and being completely honest here I think that stuff's a little boring.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad those men did everything so that America could be independent and all, but I don't exactly need to see the buildings everything went down at or the cemetaries in which their burried.  I just don't think that sort of stuff is exciting.  My mom however, happens to be an elementary school teacher.  She works with kids in fifth grade when they learn about the revolutionary war.  She had a blast.  If anyone decides to go walk that thing, my only words of advice I have for you is to not wear Converse Chuck Taylor high tops.  You will get the worst blisters.  The trail's about three miles.
We also went to the Public Garden, which was so fun.  There's this children's book called Make Way for Ducklings, and my mom used to read it to me every Easter.  It's about these two ducks, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard, who look for a place to hactch and raise their ducklings.  They eventually decide on the island on this little island inside the pond at the Public gardens.  So of course, my mom and I had to go check that out.  There are these boats with Swans on them... not real swans.  When I was a kid I thought the swans on the boat were real.  But anyway, my mom and I went for a ride on those, and we got to see little ducklings near the island that they thought were just hatched the day before.  I thought that was cool, just like the book.
At the garden, we also checked out the statues that have been put up in honor of the book.  It's of Mrs. Mallard and her eight little ducklings.  And of course I thought it would be a good idea to take one of the dorkiest tourist pictures ever.

It took forever to get that stupid picture though, cause these stupid kids kept climbing over the all the ducks.  But I thought it was cool that they put up those statues and everything.  After that my mom went to the bar that the show Cheers was based on, and both my mom and I got a little tipsy off our sourvineer drinks.
So Boston was fun.  We got back, and about a week later I end up with mono.  And believe me, that's no fun at all.  I had a 103 degree fever yesterday when I went into the emergency room, but I feel a little better now.  My throat just hurts real bad and my face looks like a balloon.  Oh yeah, and it looks like someone slugged me in the eye.  Putting it bluntly, the whole thing is a bitch.

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