Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Wonders of Technology Bringing a Family Together

I have what most would consider an untraditional family.  As you probably already know, it was just my mom and I living together throughout most of my childhood.  My dad's lives in New York with his wife, Kathy, and my two younger brothers, Eric and Jon.  I also have a brother named Steaven and a sister named Sarah.  I've never met Sarah, but I'd like to some day.  This year for Christmas I'm making all my siblings something so I'd definitely like to get in touch with her to include her in that.  All of my siblings are my dad's kids so I get to be both an only child and the second oldest of five at the same time.

I don't know too much about my dad's side of the family.  I don't think I've ever even met most of them, at least not in recent memory like after I was two or something.  I'm pretty sure I've met both my dad's parents, and one of his grandparents.  I have one aunt and three uncles on his side, but I've never met any of them to my knowledge.  I could have been around them when I was a baby or something.

Anyway, I love technology.  With the use of facebook, video chat, and cell phones I am getting to know my siblings a lot better.  Turns out we're a whole family of geeks.  They're more of the computer, video game nerdy type though.  I'm more of a comic book band geek sorta person.  But yeah... I love technology.  I'm able to chat with my brothers who live half way across the country.  I got to see my sister-in-law and nephew over a video chat the other day too.  Steaven Jr.'s getting pretty big.  He's so cute and chubby!  I love babies.  It's so nice to catch up with people that I feel so disconnected from.  I hope to get together and see all of them soon.

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