Tuesday, August 14, 2012


"I've got some friends.  Some that I hardly know.  But we've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world."  ~Rise Against

I didn't know you that well.  You were a friend of a friend, and we only hung out a handful of times.  What I do know is that those few times were always a blast, even with all the high school drama that occasionally came along with them.

I remember watching Rent at Marinda's with you.  I remember enjoying secrets that your mother made.  And for those of you who aren't cool enough to realize what secrets are, they're brownies.  I remember us all sitting in your living room, while you played "Swing Life Away" and other songs on your guitar.  I'll always think of you when I hear that song.

And of course the first thing that comes to mind when I think of you is the way you kicked your feet in the air when you laughed.  We were all being goofy to began with, but for some reason I found that so funny.  Then of course you laughed at me for laughing about it, which in turned made your feet kick faster.  Then I'd laugh harder... it was an endless circle.  I don't even remember what we were laughing about in the first place.

This is one of my favorite pictures from high school.  There's a few different groups of friends in this picture, but they're all connected in some way or another.  Some of us were hanging out with you that day, and some were there visiting David.  It must have been Megan's goodbye party.  I still don't remember there being that many people being there, but I've been told there was even more that had left earlier.

It's not fair that diabetes should take a life, espeically from someone so young.  Rest in peace John; you will be missed by many.

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