So it's been a bit, but I'm back at Northland taking a couple of classes. It's scary though, I havn't taken anything in over two years, and the last semester I took didn't go over well at all. It's okay though. I've already promised myself that I'm going to go to class every day that I am able, and I'm not going to drop any classes. This is the semester I pass Intro to Public Speaking. I can feel it.
I do feel a little out of place, I'll admit. I think I just need some time to get back into the swing of everything. Waking up early won't be a problem, but getting into the habit of doing homework might be. Also, I forgot how hard it is to sit still for an hour. Thankfully taking notes and doing a bit of doodling helps with that.
I'm also back in the marching band. That's proving to be harder than I thought it would be. It's been a while since I've marched and I'm having a hard time finding my sets, especially finding my place among all the people who know what they're doing. I kind of feel like an idiot. It's also been a while since I've played, and, to be completly blunt and honest, my range just plain sucks.
Something snapped within me a few months ago. I need more in my life than just Jimmy John's. Don't get me wrong, I love my job right now. But I need more. So between school, work, and marching band, I feel like my life actually has substance again. I'm just worried my social life might suffer a bit.
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