Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Lost Blog

When I copied all of my blogs over, I missed a couple because areavoices was having some sort of melt down or something, but now it seems to be up and running just fine.  Here's one about Penny that didn't get put up.  God, I forgot how cute she was when she was a puppy.

I am sitting in the dark, staying up late, and waiting for a friend to come home.  Curled up beside my thigh is a small ball of fur named Penny.  She’s asleep now, like I should be.  Her little chest moves up and down as she breaths, but other than that she’s still.  Even as I gently run my fingers down her back, she doesn’t even flinch.  Her ears aren’t perked up like when she’s awake.  Instead, they are flopping down off to the side in relaxed exhaustion.

So far Penny is doing exactly what she is supposed to be doing.  She’s getting me up in the morning to feed her and walk her.  My day doesn’t end at four o’clock after I get off of work anymore.  Instead, I can go let Penny out of her kennel, run around with her outside, take her for walks, play tug of war, teach her to sit… the list goes on.  She’s so cute when she comes running up to me; I just melt.

She’s so playful, like most puppies I suppose.  But she bounces around and jumps to go like two steps to her ball.  It’s so adorable.  It’s also entertaining to watch her butt twitch when she’s excited.  It’s like she’s trying to wag the tail she doesn’t have.  Penny’s smart to.  She can already sit.  I’m so proud of her.  She can walk up and down steps.  She walks on a leash okay, and plays with Blitzen and Charlee.  It’s really fun to watch her herd them around the house.  It doesn’t work so well with that big German Shepherd though.

My mom says she hates to find out what I’ll be like when I have a baby because I keep talking about Penny like this.  I’m waiting for the exciting of a new puppy to fade and for me to be, "Oh my gosh, what did I get myself into?!"  So far she hasn’t completely destroyed anything.  I hope if she gets ahold of anything though that it’s mine and not one of my roommates.

As soon as Kelsey gets home I’ll join Penny and go to bed.  We’ll cuddle for a while until she decides she needs her space then she’ll find a cool spot on the hard floor.  Then at some point during the night I’ll wake up and she’ll be right back by my side again.  Kelsey took a picture of the two of us sleeping.  I like it.  I think there’s one of Blitzen and I like that too.

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