Wednesday, September 7, 2011


A tree stood just outside my apartment.  It was pretty big considering the trees we get around here.  But it was beautiful.  The trees were green and the leaves were spaced apart just right... kind of reminded me of The Lion King I guess.  I wanted to draw it, and I kept telling myself that I was going to as soon as I had some extra time.  But even if I had extra time, I'd put if off.  I'd make excuses.  Such as the light's not right or I'm too tired or I want ice cream.  Grant it, some of the excuses were good like Penny hasn't been on a walk in a while or I should clean my apartment.  But I never got to draw the tree.  The people who own the property next to my apartment took it down.  And the tree was so pretty too!  I didn't even take a picture.

So I've decided to do a lot more for myself, especially since everyone's going back to school.  If I leave my life to work, sleep, and Star Trek I will go insane... or at lease burn out.  I mean there are so many creative endeavors I have planned- about six story ideas, a painting of Penny, and a chalk drawing of the lilies my landlady had planted earlier in the year.  And I should really get on those.  I don't want another thing like the tree to happen... Sadly, I'm really good at saying I'm going to do something and then never do it.  So we'll see what happens.


  1. The inkwell (creative journal) is going to meet on Tuesday Sept 13th at 12:30-1:30... you are welcome to join us Room 222. Keep blogging!

  2. Hi.
    That is all. :)
    Sarah Beth
