Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gotta Catch 'Em All

So here's my post about Pokemon, a franchise that took over a large portion of my childhood- more specific forth and fifth grade.  Back then I was only interested in the cards and the television show; I never had a game boy.  Bulbasaur was the first card I ever got.  To this day he is still one of my favorites.

When I was younger, I always wanted the cute Pokemon cards- Jigglypuff, Vulpix, or Togepi.  We never actually played the card game.  At least not by the rules anyway.  We'd compare HP, attacks, and rareity and decide who won from there.  We were more interested in trading the cards for the ones we thought were the best looking.

I think the television show is what sucked us into it.  At the time, I didn't have WB, the station that played Pokemon every day at three.  But I found ways around that.  I'd watch the videos or try to end up at my grandma's at three o'clock if we didn't have school that day.  We'd also play make believe.  I was always Misty, my favorite human character on the show... well maybe besides Sabrina.  We made a rule that if your character had a Pokemon, you had to have the card for it.  We'd pretend the cards were our Pokeballs.

Now, I'm still a little obsessed with Pokemon.  Since I got my 3DS, I've put more time into Pokemon Black than any other game.  Every once in a while a need to collect the cards come back to me too.  I have all the orginal 150 except for one card, which unfortunatly is Charizard.  I used to have that card, a holo too.  But I traded it like an idiot.  I patiently await the next game to come out, so I can finally play Pokemon in 3D, but untill then I'll try to catch 'em all in Pokemon black.

Monday, March 11, 2013


I was originally going to write about Pokemon today, but I read a friend's blog earlier that made me change my mind.  This may be kind of a depressing post, and maybe it is best saved for a private journal or something.  But let's be honest here, I'm not going to be pulling out the journals any time soon.

Things seem like they're piling up, like I'm drowning in a list of to-dos.  And the truth is, I'm not really.  All I do is go to work and then come home and play video games... or worse yet just go to bed.  It seems like everybody's always busy, so I don't have much of a social life.  And I guess that's slowly changing.  Dalton and I have been hanging out more, and Sarah's on spring break.  I think that's this week at least.  But every day it's "I should clean my house" or "I really need to clean my car" or even "I should work on my story that should have been done months ago."

These things just keep building up and I just can't find the energy or motivation to do them.  My anxiety's been through the roof lately too.  Sometimes there are reasons for it, even if they're silly.  Every time I go to work I feel like I'm going to get fired, even though I show up on time and try my hardest at my job.  I'm paranoid about almost everything lately, most of them are too personal to share.  But sometimes I'm just nervous for absolutly no reason at all.  And maybe I'm nervous about things and just can't remember what was said to make me nervous.  I don't know.

So basically the question is, how do I get over this?  How can I make myself come to my senses?  Most of this is just in my head, right?  So why is it so hard to just suck it up and grab life by the horns?  Why is it so hard to pick up the phone and call someone to hang out or even just do a load of laundry?